It would have been the most boring weekend if not for music. It would not be any trail ride or road ride. My bikes would have their well deserved rest.My regular friends would be doing their weekend activities as usual.I would be spending my time at home trying to feel and understand how other man my age/man with no hobbies spend their weekend.I woke up early on Saturday. My wife and daughter had gone out to meet my MIL at another daughters house in Subang. Ok good for them since I was not dragged along.Huh then what to do?. Breakfast was prepared by my wife earlier and being Saturday there was no hurry. Everything was taken at leisurely pace. After breakfast there was nothing to do except watching telly.
At the corner of the house,there sat my lonely and dusty acoustic piano. It is a Yamaha upright. I tickled the ivory keys every once in a while but I have not done that for many moons already and sometimes totally forgot about it. I had the opportunity to rekindle our relationship that weekend since there were only my eldest son and me at home. My eldest son is also musical and plays the electric guitar. His younger brother plays the drum but there is no drum set at home,not a very good idea since I still have some respects for my neighbours.
Hey wait a minute!. The general idea was to sit and do nothing or maybe stare at the idiot box to emulate the idle type?.I only lasted me for half a day doing that. After that it was pure torture for I am not used to sit idle what more on my offdays. I am always the outdoor type. Now,I really wonder how some men can sit still and do nothing on their weekends?.
I started to scale around with the piano keys waiting for some feel to get to me. My problem has always been choices of songs to play.I love doing blues and jazz numbers but they will get pretty boring after sometimes and Im not that good. I thought to myself,why not some classical rock?ahhhah,some old numbers from Bad Companys! ready for love?. Just some simple chords will do. Pianos are not made for rocks,guitar is more appropriate for the task. What the heck! Elton John could do it. I began to enjoy my time at the piano and exploring my musicality and the piano keys. Piano is a wonderful instrument to accompany singing and my boredom has turned into an exciting moments to be spent at home. All of a sudden music has come into my life again and I might pursue it further to compliment my other hobbies. So much so that my Sunday was again spent at the piano. Im in love again.........with classical rock music and the piano...