There will come a time when trail conflict among users will become an issue in Malaysia. There has been an upsurge of trail users lately, among them are trail runners mountain bikers and trailbikers. The popularity of these activities has seen a lot of newcomers to the sport. Trail conflict seems unavoidable without a deep understanding of the importance of trail use and unwritten rules among users.
We cant make a claim on a trail to our use only.If the trail is on public land, everybody has the right to use it. Everybody has to chip in to keep the trail in good and safe condition though. Cooperation is needed for every recreationist interest. It is a good sign for more people are going out to natural outdoors.
We cant make a claim on a trail to our use only.If the trail is on public land, everybody has the right to use it. Everybody has to chip in to keep the trail in good and safe condition though. Cooperation is needed for every recreationist interest. It is a good sign for more people are going out to natural outdoors.