Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Old fart musings

Im burdened with a correct choice of a bike to buy for my encore. There is a surge of new breed of bikes from many manufactures flooding our local market.. Its a matter of getting the correct application for the bike in my mind and pick a suitable model with a reasonable price of course but....my heart says go for the ultimate which will cost me an arm and a leg but my mind says go for the practical one hmmmmm.....its a tough decision to make.

My present mount is almost five years old and has done her share of playriding. We have travelled all over the country and she has served me well. She is a keeper and still my daily rider.

See,Im a play rider and understandably not too serious in my riding. Im happy to chug along to every imaginable destinations and riding on any possible terrain and occasional wheelies as well as pulling a slide or two but no jumps since Im too old for that. I ride to see places and out of old habit.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Turning wheels

My last entry was in June and that was four months ago. In the meanwhile there are positive personal developments both spiritually and mentally . I officially retired from regular work for almost two years already and nothing makes me happier than to be able to watch my only daughter develops into a teenager and to be able to guide her along in the correct way.
Freelance work is coming in regularly to cover for some financial needs and neccesities. Due to irregular income my high expenditure hobbies must take a back seat and beside that I want to be more green in my hobbies except for occasional adventure rides on my motorcycle.    
Cycling is once again my main source of regular outdoor fun and I shall report about my weekly outings in future writings. Stay tuned
