I dare say I have the authority to talk about motorbikes,having gone through full circle in the world of riding. In the good old days, a TS 250 only cost RM2.700,that was in 1975 ringgit. My RM125N costed me 3200 in 1980s money. Even that was expensive. Compared to current pricing of dirt bikes,it is blatantly ridiculous. Its murder. The pricing of dirt bikes went up sky high when the manufacturers decided to stop local production or CKD for no apparent reason. It must have been a business decision. Beginning of 90s all machines were imported CBU by grey importers with a price tag that only deep pocketed people could afford, hence the beginning of another sport for the rich only. Riders like yours truly has to be contented with riding the good old TS,DT,XL and KE. Some people resorted to buying and riding illegally imported dirt bikes. We ordinary dirt addicts, just have to make do with whatever machines we can lay our butt on. To satisfy our lust.
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