Hello,my name is KLX 150. I was born somewhere in Indonesia and was shipped to Malaysia.My body color is kawasaki green with silver frame.I was sitting in a bikeshop in Kuala Lumpur before being bought by an old man and was registered in November 2009.I was given a little modification by this old man to suit his own riding style. My footpegs was moved back and my rear wheel was replaced with a 17 incher for easy tire choices. My handlebar was replaced with a slightly taller one.
The old man who bought me likes to go off road and the first few months under his ownership was hell for me. I was put through various off road conditions while the old man assesed my usefulness. I know that he is happy with me being light and my single cylinder with 150 cc engine produce enough power for his purposes. Im cheap. My requirement for oil change to keep my internal happy is little and is being done every 1500km.
I used to go out with my types and also KSRs. We roamed the forest around Shah Alam and nearby trails within 50km radius.
I have not been out lately for my owner is busy with his work but today he took me out for a short ride.He seem to be happy with me and we did few hillclimbs,slides and small jumps just to keep ourselve sharp and ever ready for future adventures.
Salam Bro.
ReplyDeleteSolo ride kan, just nak lepas gian.. he he
just to mody rim 17 berapa cost ?
thank you
Tu la masaalah nya rim 17" 28 lubang hanya di jual di Indonesia,kena order online la kot.Saya tak nak convert pakai hub lain sebabnya design parameter untuk on road dan off road ni lain i.e strength,bearing seals dll,silap silap boleh jam waktu sedang ride,bahaya tu.
ReplyDeletesalam bang..
ReplyDeleterasanya saya pernah jumpa abg masa di kawa HQ thn lepas. Abg bwk er6 '08 kaler biru dh convert fork versys kan? suke baca story abg psl offroad..;)
-Han TayarGolek-