Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Reality check......
Age is catching up fast,Ive been there and done that albeit in my own small ways but satisfied nevertheless. As far as riding motorcycle is concerned,I think Ive done it all and there is nothing more to prove or do except to enjoy riding as a past time activity. There will be no more risk taking and unneccessary spending.
I just received my green badge from the Tourism Ministry. Green badge is a license for trained personel to guide tourist and visitors into our forest and other nature destinations. Maybe I can start a new trend and take riding tourist to ride on trails which I have frequented and are familiar with. I can do it both on trailbikes and mountainbikes.
A green badge guide is not a tracker whos job is to show directions or a lead a tour group but is a teacher who will tell stories and facts related to a certain area being visited. It will relate to environment, culture,socio economics, history and many more. I can even conduct riding skill classes along with the guided tours.
