Monday, March 26, 2012

Cycle of life

I always have a belief that life goes in a cycle. Some say what goes around must come around!!!!. Lets see......physically each of us was born toothless with little amount of hair. We were fed and taken care of by our mothers and we were helpless without a mind of our own. We grow each day and as  time progress we develop milk teeth and grow physically . We began our learning both subconsiously or otherwise and by immitating others around us. To make it short,thus begins our normal process of going through common life of a normal human being. We go to school,college and then to a working life. At the same time we go through other aspects of life such as hobbies,interest blaa blaaa blaaaa.
Fast forward........we have a family and suddenly we have big responsibilities and all sorts of positive/negative consequences that come with it. Some of us cope with the negatives well and some find it hard. Whichever way,life must go on. To some of us who are spiritually strong,we take it in our stride and to some life takes its toll.
As time goes by we reach our peak which in Malaysian perspective is the retirement age,where we have to leave our job to be filled by youngster.I think its only fair because the youngsters are going through the same cycle as we did and the old must give way. Now,what happens to us?.
Normally in our country retirees life begin to detoriate. Normally at this time,offsprings are of working age and some have started life of their own. Most retired couples are living on their own.
Here comes the cycle.....we begin to loose teeth and hair. Some of the less fortunate will loose their overall health,bladder control and mind too ........... eventually we must be taken care of by others like when we were babies....that is if we live a loooooooooong life.
The big question is......who is going to take care of us?
So be wary of your prayer for long life for which could have gone full circle.............but!!!
The almighty is might.
