Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Trail conflict

There will come a time when trail conflict among users will become an issue in Malaysia. There has been an upsurge of trail users lately, among them are trail runners mountain bikers and trailbikers. The popularity of these activities has seen a lot of newcomers to the sport. Trail conflict seems unavoidable without a deep understanding of the importance of trail use and unwritten rules among users.
We cant make a claim on a trail to our use only.If the trail is on public land, everybody has the right to use it. Everybody has to chip in to keep the trail in good and safe condition though. Cooperation is needed for every recreationist interest. It is a good sign for more people are going out to natural outdoors.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Nature and conservation

Now that my trail riding is trialish, I can focus more on the natural surrounding. Flora and fauna that I have missed begin to appear in my peripheral vision more clearly. There is no qualm about stopping to have a closer look.That is another reason why I like to trail ride but it was rarely highlighted. We have put too much emphasize on the riding instead of what it is good for.
As trail riders we have every reason in the world to support conservation. Without it we will have no place to roam in the future,is it not sad?.Trail riders have to be more responsible and to always observe and conserve. We can also play the role of nature educators to other forest and nature users.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Trail riding - event organising

The sport of trail riding and supermoto is on the upswing in the country. Thanks to the availability of affordable locally assembled trail bikes. Kawasaki is having the biggest market share with the KLX 150 model.
Naturally the sport is growing day by day until eventually the bikes become expensive again due to the demand and supply theory. Many aftermarket companies take this opportunity to make the kill, for our people will not be satisfied with the standard machine. The sale of riding gear is also gaining momentum, well it is good for our overall economy.
Anyway, my point is we as riders have to emphasise more on the enjoyment of riding not otherwise i.e. upgrading and trying to look good. Each rider must be able to enjoy his machine to the fullest hence proper riding technique is a must. Accident and injuries can be avoided. Trail riding is not trial and error but it is a science by itself.
Many groups organise trail outings each weekend. This organise rides must be proper with every aspect of safety taken into consideration hence an experience leader is required to lead each ride.
Better be prepared than sorry.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Why do I still ride?

I still ride because Im addicted to endorphine which can be excreted into my blood stream only by riding......hard. Im just like any other old man who will be lethargic and sickly if I quit doing pleasurable physical activity at least until Im physically unable to do so.
I have to keep raising the bar during each ride to get the endorphine dosage my body needs and nothing is more effective and pleasurable than trail riding.
Its my medication.
I need the geography, landscape and elements that I find and trying to master on each ride. They need to be left in their natural state. They need to be conserved and I need them to stay healthy.
It is a tough job but by keeping up with my activity at least I can guide riders and nature users to appreciate and conserve nature. They need nature too because its their playground. Its a win win situation.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Recent development has seen a new twist in my life. My profesional motorsport days are numbered and what a coincident now that my life needs has taken a new direction. After being in steady employment for more or less 30 years, I have been too complacent and always took things for granted. Its time for me to start doing my own thing and contribute back the giver in my own small way and earn a living too.
In our life, commonly we are taker but not giver. Man started civilization with the help of nature. They cut trees to build house for them to live in. They dug out earth and blow up mountains to mine for minerals. They level hills and fill up wetlands to built roads. They dig holes in the earth to suck oil for our cars and industrial needs. Man will do many things to enrich himself without giving much thought on the consequences. Much has been said about the degradation of our planet due to human need and greed. Its time to give back.
Im contributing in a way that I know, to assist trail riders and outdoor enthusiast on nature appreciation and conservation. They are direct user and its important for them to conserve their playground. We need to co-exist and prosper.
